18 research outputs found

    An Anechoic Recording of Demosthenes’ 1st Olynthic Oration in German

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    This data set contains two anechoic recordings of an excerpt of Demosthenes’ 1st Olynthic Oration in expressive and loud speech in German language.DFG, 194453117, EXC 1027: Bild Wissen Gestaltung. Ein interdisziplinäres Labo

    An Anechoic Recording of Cicero’s 3rd Cataline Oration: Italian, Latin and German

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    This data set contains three anechoic recordings of an excerpt of Cicero's 3rd Cataline Oration in Italian, Latin and German language.DFG, 194453117, EXC 1027: Bild Wissen Gestaltung. Ein interdisziplinäres Labo


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    Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Christoph Borbach, Max Kanderske und Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil sind Herausgeber der Reihe. Die Herausgeber*innen der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler*innen aus dem In- und Ausland.Navigieren ist längst kein Unikum professionalisierter Seefahrer:innen mehr, sondern als Smartphone- und Browser-Praktik fester Bestandteil des vernetzten digitalen Alltags. Da Wegfindungen durch On- und Offline-Räume navigationsspezifische Formen von Medienkompetenz voraussetzen und hervorbringen, fordern sie die Intensivierung der medienkulturwissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung mit den situierten und technisierten Medienpraktiken der Navigation geradezu heraus. Die Ausgabe nimmt diesen Befund zum Anlass, polyperspektivische Zugänge zum »Navigieren« vorzustellen. Die körper-, kultur- und medientechnischen Facetten des Navigierens stehen dabei ebenso im Fokus wie ihre historischen Ausgestaltungen, die Arbeit am und im Datenmaterial von Navigationsmedien und die Theoretisierung postdigitaler Sensor-Medien-Kulturen, die dem Umstand Rechnung trägt, dass es nicht allein Daten, Dinge und Körper sind, die es zu navigieren gilt, sondern zunehmend nicht-menschliche Akteure selbst zielgerichtete Raumdurchquerungen praktizieren. Fehlte es in der (deutschsprachigen) Medienkulturwissenschaft bislang an einer Bündelung heterogener navigationsspezifischer Forschungsarbeiten, gibt diese Ausgabe einen Überblick über das Feld, seine Forscher:innen und Fragestellungen. Denn trotz des Spatial Turns in den Humanities und der gegenwärtigen Konjunktur geomedialer Arbeiten, scheint die synthetisierende Fokussierung auf Medien und Praktiken des Navigierens in historischer, ethnografischer, technischer und theoretischer Perspektive bislang ein Desiderat darzustellen.Navigation is no longer unique to the context of professional seafaring, but has become an integral part of networked digital everyday life enabled through smartphones and web browsers. Indeed, finding one’s way through online and offline spaces increasingly presupposes and produces specific forms of media competence one could call »navigational«. In this, a ›media cultural studies‹ perspective on the situated and ›technologized‹ media practices of navigation becomes imperative to understanding the contemporary media landscape. Issue 1/22 of Navigationen answers this call by presenting polyperspectival approaches to »navigating«. The contributions discuss the bodily, cultural, and media-technical facets of navigation, as well as its historical forms, the work on and in the data produced by and with navigational media, and the theorization of post-digital ›sensor media cultures‹. In doing so, the issue acknowledges that not only do data, things, and bodies need to be ›navigated‹ in the context of logistics, but that the increasingly autonomous wayfinding processes of non-human actors change the notion of navigation itself. As (German language) media cultural studies has so far lacked a convincing compilation of heterogeneous approaches to studying navigation, this issue provides an overview of the field, its researchers and questions. Despite the spatial turn in the humanities and a recent surge in geomedia studies, an approach towards the media and practices of navigation that combines historical, ethnographic, technical and theoretical perspectives, has remained a desideratum until now. The issue fills this gap

    Von akustischen Medien zur auditiven Kultur : zum Verhältnis von Medienwissenschaft und Sound Studies

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    2. Hrsg. des Heftes: Axel Volmar Prof. Dr. Jens Schröter, Dr. Sebastian Gießmann und J-Prof. Dr. Benjamin Beil sind Herausgeber der Reihe. Die Herausgeber der einzelnen Hefte sind renommierte Wissenschaftler und -innen aus dem In- und Ausland.Die Beiträge dieser Navigationen-Ausgabe möchten mit je eigenen wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen, medienarchäologischen, kulturhistorischen, musiksoziologischen und ethnographischen Schwerpunktsetzungen zeigen, auf welche Weise sowohl die Medienwissenschaft als auch die Musikwissenschaft von einem solchen Dialog profitieren. In umgekehrter Stoßrichtung können die einzelnen Studien zugleich verdeutlichen, was die medienwissenschaftliche Forschung durch ihre thematische Ausrichtung, ihre theoretischen Ansätze und methodischen Werkzeuge zur weiteren Elaborierung der ›Sound Studies‹ und des Gegenstandsbereichs ›Auditive Kultur‹ beitragen kann

    Märkte der Zukunft – Das kollektive Kalkül eines modernen Orakels

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    Navigating noise

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    A novel in vivo method to quantify slit diaphragm protein abundance in murine proteinuric kidney disease.

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    Injury of the glomerular filter causes proteinuria by disrupting the sensitive interplay of the glomerular protein network. To date, studies of the expression and trafficking of glomerular proteins have been mostly limited to in vitro or histologic studies. Here, we report a novel in vivo biotinylation assay that allows the quantification of surface expression of glomerular proteins in mice. Kidneys were perfused in situ with biotin before harvest. Afterwards glomeruli were isolated and lyzed. The protein of interest was separated by immunoprecipitation and the amount of surface-expressed protein was quantified by Western blot analysis with streptavidin staining. As proof-of-concept, we examined the presence of nephrin in the slit diaphragm in two well-established murine models of proteinuric kidney disease: nephrotoxic nephritis and adriamycin nephropathy. In proteinuric animals, significantly less nephrin was detected in the slit diaphragm. When proteinuria decreased once again during the course of disease, the amount of surface nephrin returned to the baseline. Our present results suggest that our assay is a valuable tool to study the glomerular filter in proteinuric kidney diseases. Note that the assay is not limited to proteins expressed in the slit diaphragm, and all surface proteins that are accessible to biotin perfusion and immunoprecipitation qualify for this analysis

    MicroRNA-193a Regulates the Transdifferentiation of Human Parietal Epithelial Cells toward a Podocyte Phenotype

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    Parietal epithelial cells have been identified as potential progenitor cells in glomerular regeneration, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this process are not fully defined. Here, we established an immortalized polyclonal human parietal epithelial cell (hPEC) line from naive human Bowman’s capsule cells isolated by mechanical microdissection. These hPECs expressed high levels of PEC-specific proteins and microRNA-193a (miR-193a), a suppressor of podocyte differentiation through downregulation of Wilms’ tumor 1 in mice. We then investigated the function of miR-193a in the establishment of podocyte and PEC identity and determined whether inhibition of miR-193a influences the behavior of PECs in glomerular disease. After stable knockdown of miR-193a, hPECs adopted a podocyte-like morphology and marker expression, with decreased expression levels of PEC markers. In mice, inhibition of miR-193a by complementary locked nucleic acids resulted in an upregulation of the podocyte proteins synaptopodin and Wilms’ tumor 1. Conversely, overexpression of miR-193a in vivo resulted in the upregulation of PEC markers and the loss of podocyte markers in isolated glomeruli. Inhibition of miR-193a in a mouse model of nephrotoxic nephritis resulted in reduced crescent formation and decreased proteinuria. Together, these results show the establishment of a human PEC line and suggest that miR-193a functions as a master switch, such that glomerular epithelial cells with high levels of miR-193a adopt a PEC phenotype and cells with low levels of miR-193a adopt a podocyte phenotype. miR-193a–mediated maintenance of PECs in an undifferentiated reactive state might be a prerequisite for PEC proliferation and migration in crescent formation

    Autophagy influences glomerular disease susceptibility and maintains podocyte homeostasis in aging mice

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    Injury and loss of podocytes are leading factors of glomerular disease and renal failure. The postmitotic podocyte is the primary glomerular target for toxic, immune, metabolic, and oxidant stress, but little is known about how this cell type copes with stress. Recently, autophagy has been identified as a major pathway that delivers damaged proteins and organelles to lysosomes in order to maintain cellular homeostasis. Here we report that podocytes exhibit an unusually high level of constitutive autophagy. Podocyte-specific deletion of autophagy-related 5 (Atg5) led to a glomerulopathy in aging mice that was accompanied by an accumulation of oxidized and ubiquitinated proteins, ER stress, and proteinuria. These changes resulted ultimately in podocyte loss and late-onset glomerulosclerosis. Analysis of pathophysiological conditions indicated that autophagy was substantially increased in glomeruli from mice with induced proteinuria and in glomeruli from patients with acquired proteinuric diseases. Further, mice lacking Atg5 in podocytes exhibited strongly increased susceptibility to models of glomerular disease. These findings highlight the importance of induced autophagy as a key homeostatic mechanism to maintain podocyte integrity. We postulate that constitutive and induced autophagy is a major protective mechanism against podocyte aging and glomerular injury, representing a putative target to ameliorate human glomerular disease and aging-related loss of renal function